Physical Education
Mrs. Hecht & Mr. Wilcox are excited to teach students how to be healthy and active.
Appropriate Attire and Footwear
All FCPS students must wear sneakers to the gym for PE class. The sneakers must:
- have a rubber sole
- tie with shoelaces or Velcro
- cover the whole foot for support
Injury & Illness Policies
Several students each day come to us and say, “My parents told me to sit out. I can’t participate.” We understand that mornings can be stressful, but please send your child with a note explaining the injury or illness. This can excuse him/her for time periods less than two weeks.
For any injury or illness that is longer than two weeks, the FCPS medical form must be completed by your child’s physician. This form is available from your child’s PE teacher or at this link on the FCPS website (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).
Our P.E. Teachers
- Physical Education Teacher, ES
- Physical Education Teacher, ES