Advanced Academics

Haycock Elementary offers students all levels of Advanced Academic Programs (AAP), including a Level IV Center in third through sixth grades.

At Haycock, our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher ensures that all students have access to components of the Advanced Academics Curriculum.  She collaborates with each grade level to plan the implementation of the nine Critical & Creative Thinking Strategies, to utilize the AAP curriculum and to differentiate for and challenge advanced learners. She works with teachers in grades K-6 to deliver AAP Level I and II services. She also meets with small groups of students in grades 3-6 once a week who are receiving AAP Level III services to extend their learning.

Students are acquiring the necessary Portrait of a Graduate skills as they think critically, learn to be effective communicators, collaborate to solve problems and apply what they are learning across multiple subject areas.

Portrait of a Graduate

FCPS has identified five characteristics that all graduates should possess.

AAP Levels of Service

There are varying levels of service in the Advanced Academics Program.

Critical & Creative Thinking Lessons

Our AARTs teach these lessons throughout the year.

Fostering Critical & Creative Thinking

Here are some ideas for parents to foster critical & creative thinking in your children.

Testing for Students in FCPS

More information about testing and timelines around AAP in FCPS.

Level II & III AAP Service

The process for identifying students for Level II & Level III services can be found here. Scroll to find forms on this page.

Applying for Level IV

For current FCPS students. Here is the process for applying for Level IV services in AAP.

Applying for Level IV

For new-to-FCPS students. Here is the process for applying for Level IV services in AAP.

Our Advanced Academics Teachers