Crossing Guard Guidelines 2024-25


A Message from our School's Crossing Guard, Beeda Lee-Pawlak

I hope everyone is ready for a new school year! I am back as your Fairfax County Police Crossing Guard for the 2024-2025 school year at the intersection of Haycock Rd. and Westmoreland St. With the start of a new school year, car and pedestrian traffic will be heavy and hectic for the first 2 or 3 weeks or so. For the parents, caregivers, and students who will be walking to and from school, I have a few guidelines to help things run more smoothly at the busy intersection. 

FOR THE SAFETY OF ALL, please read the list of guidelines below and make certain to go over them with your student(s). I am grateful for your support, cooperation, and patience.

  • When I am present at the intersection of Haycock and Westmoreland, I will stop all directions of car traffic to allow pedestrians waiting at all crosswalks to cross at one time. Always walk within the crosswalk. Pedestrians can cross diagonally from corner to corner (only when I am present). Please note I have a method of cycling car traffic and pedestrians, so please be patient.
  • When I am present, please do not press the pedestrian crossing light signal buttons located at each corner on light posts. I will be your crossing signal. Please wait for my verbal command "Cross," before entering the crosswalk to cross.
  • Please do not follow me when I enter the crosswalk or intersection to stop car traffic. I will ensure that all directions of car traffic have come to a full stop before allowing pedestrians to begin crossing.
  • Do not enter the crosswalk until I say, "Cross". At that point, all pedestrians can enter the crosswalk to begin crossing. Please walk with purpose and focus.
  • When student patrols are present at crosswalk corners, I will instruct them to hold pedestrians by saying "Hold them," or "Please stay." This is your signal to stop and stand at the curbside at corners. If you are already in the middle of the crosswalk, please finish crossing.
  • Obey my verbal commands and the student patrols (they will hold their arms out to their sides to signal not to enter the crosswalk). Do not try to enter the crosswalks after I have indicated to patrols to, "Hold them," or I have said, "Please stay." This is especially important because I am about to let the car traffic resume moving.
  • Please make certain to cross at the marked crosswalks. Do not step off the curbside outside of the crosswalk to begin crossing.
  • If you are on a bike or scooter, please dismount and walk across.

Please know that I will cross your children as if they are my own, with firm and direct commands. My only goal is to ensure your kids are safe.

Beeda Lee-Pawlak
Fairfax County Police Crossing Guard